Sunday, January 27, 2013

Button Art

Came home from a long shift to find my stepdaughter sitting with ALL my arts and crafts boxes making awesome button art!! I wish I could've just stayed home and worked on these instead. Just had to share. Enjoy :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

You can't drown in sweat.

It's been awhile but Im back in the gym. I was able to shed 25 pounds just by changing my diet lifestyle, however, I've got another 25 pounds to go and that's not gonna come off on its own!!
Progress shot enter here ~

So here I am back to the gym I go :)
Honestly it's been off to a great start but there is something I couldnt help but notice (after my workouts of course) which is the lack of sweat from the females and the layers of makeup they've got painted on.
The gym is and always should be a place where you go to sweat and get work done. You go home wash off your sweat and then get beautified. I went looking for some images to back me up and there were plenty so Im not alone with these thoughts!
Heres a few to keep you motivated and remember sweat is a good thing!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Mind body and soul

I decided to do some me bonding time over yoga tonight and my koala thought she'd join. I love this so much. Thank you to my hubby who snapped some pics of what turned into a mommy and me yoga session.