Thursday, October 25, 2012

That DAM mud run.

Mud. Run. Two words I don't necessarily believe should be together. So when I was invited to participate in one for a birthday celebration, needless to say I was very hesitant. People who know me will know I'm not a runner... and could already hear me saying OMG dirrrrty!!!
But here I am! Doing a mud run for my brother in laws birthday. 

I really thought there was going to be more obstacles than running but we were pretty much running the first half so yes I was last. Once we reached the mud hills the group was more or less reunited. I sure was relieved to see those hills which is something I didn't imagine myself saying but I was so over the running.. but then this happened..
Why yes that is my hair tie. My hair tie. Broke. Right. Before. the MUD. 
No turning back now.. I already walked - I mean "ran" - more than halfway and all that was left were these hills so I went for it.. and had a BLAST!

We all made it and everyone seemed to have a great time. It was definitely an experience and one I don't regret doing. I do wish I brought an extra hair tie though cuz that mud caked up my hair like no other.

~ wear sunglasses! 
I was so grateful that my bro in law had an extra pair. I don't know what I would've done cuz there was splatter and if any of that gets in your eyes ... I can just see infection growing already...
~ contact lenses...
This was tough for me. I decided to do the mud run blind - scared of infection and scared to break my glasses. after the run i realized i probably coulda done it in my contact lenses with some protective sunglasses. i think this is a preference thing.
~ bring an extra hair tie. 
see pic above..nuff said.
~ wear fitting clothes!! 
I wore fitted capris but flare out at the bottom. such a mistake - that extra fabric absorbs all the water and mud that it actually weighs you down! i dont know how many times i checked to make sure my pants were even still on as we were trudging through the mud. 
~ do not wear nice shoes..
uhh you're walking thigh deep in mud. does this really need to be said? apparently yes. 
if you have shoes you were planning to toss then wear them then you can donate them after the run. I should've done this but I forgot to bring sandals.
~ bring sandals!!
read previous comment :)
~ bring a water proof camera 
the pics taken during the mud hills were the best and before you can get your stuff you have to wash up first so it was great that my bro in law had his or else I would never have proof that I actually did this.

Would I do it again? mmmm.... let's just say I'm glad I had pictures that I did it :)

Pics of me with my hubsy ~  ~  ~


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